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2. day - Uzhorod


In the morning we wake up to the sound of the church bells and so we reluctantly get out of bed and go to breakfast, which which is included in the price of the hotel room. around 187 CZK per person per night. Considering that the room has a its own toilet and shower, including daily cleaning, we find this price more than pleasant. At breakfast we are served by two babushkas who prepare our choice breakfast menu, which is also available in English. We choose omelettes. After the meal, we do our morning hygiene and head out to into town.

We cross Korzo Street and head along Švábská Street to Church of Christ the Saviour, the Ukraina shopping mall and the hotel Zakarpattya.

Uzhhorod - Korzo street

Uzhhorod - Swabian Street with the Church of Christ the Saviour in the background

Uzhhorod - shopping center Ukraine and in the background hotel Zakarpattya

Uzhhorod - Temple of Christ the Saviour

From there we walk along Svoboda Avenue towards the Už River. Nothing of tourist interest here, but it gives a basic picture of what Uzhgorod looks like outside the centre. We arrive to the river and at the Uzhgorod Hotel we turn back and follow the same street back past the church to the bus and train station. In the meantime, we make a stop at the newly discovered supermarket Vopak and explore the local assortment.

Uzhhorod - Train Station

Uzhhorod - Train Station

After the tour of the station we return along Svoboda and Švábská avenue. Street via the footbridge back to the centre. We admire the local Philharmonic Hall converted from a Jewish synagogue, whose original occupants were exterminated during the war. From the philharmonic we head to the Ivan Olbracht Street, where we take a photo by a wall with a Czech inscription Prague Ham and then we head to Uzhgorod Castle next to where there is also an open-air museum of folk architecture, which we We save the visit for the last day. It's lunchtime, so we we head from the castle past the Greek Catholic church back to Korzo. We take the advice of the site
 Soul of the Carpathians and head to the Vertep restaurant. The stylishly decorated restaurant offers typical Ukrainian and Transcarpathian dishes, and like perhaps the only one in Uzhhorod with an English menu. We give Borscht, Kiev chop and two Chernihiv beers, and with a spend of around 4 Euro, we leave very full and satisfied.

Uzhhorod Castle

From Vertep we head back to the river Korz, where we plan to to take a tour of the local now-defunct "Children's Railway". This is a narrow-gauge line of about one kilometer long, which used to be used for teaching at the local transport school, and which, during this on this occasion. However, according to my information, the financial reasons, it has been closed for some time. We are publishing  along the banks of the river already in the original footsteps of the "Children's railway to the park of "Culture and Recreation", where the is also the terminus of the Children's Railway. Along the way we observe the local hardy people, who at a temperature of around 1°C bathing in the river.

Remains of the Children's Railway

At the park we admire the local athletic oval and cross the road bridge, which is as leaky as an emmental, to the other side of the river.

Local road bridge through which you can see the river

On the other side of the shore we head back to the footbridge visiting the nearest Vopak to replenish our vodka supply and food for the evening and return to the hotel.

Philharmonic and Children's Railway from the other side of the river

After a short rest we catch a local fishing trip in the evening. pizzeria, where a pretty, young, costumed and slightly nervous waitress misunderstands our order and instead of two extra large pizzas, she brings us one. Looking around and seeing if this one pizza is enough for the whole family or group of friends, I understand why she misunderstood our order. However, I will have this experience many more times in Ukraine. No too full, we leave the pizzeria and head to Korzo to try at another restaurant. Unfortunately, we are unlucky, because on a Saturday night all the restaurants are bursting at the seams and we are we resign and return to our room to eat the remains of our and slowly fall asleep while sipping vodka. It's time for a proper sleep because tomorrow we have an equally interesting visit Mukachevo.

Useful links:

Hotel Atlant on Booking.com

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